Class 3 – Groups

To help my schedule and anticipate what Team B’s response is going to be so that I can already have Team A’s ‘draft’ response ready to post I’ve been reading their negotiations.  Hey! It’s not cheating – if Walden didn’t want us to read the other boards, they would have locked them or something LOL  Plus, it’s not like they can’t do the same.  In fact, I would consider them stupid for NOT reading our board.  I’ve also checked out the other Team B (there are two Team A’s playing against two Team B’s) to see if I can get a better handle on what Team B was told in terms of minimums and maximums.  Since I have no way to really research these items, I consider this my research.  It’s working well and I’ll have the draft response ready to post tomorrow morning.

I feel like I’m under a bit of a time crunch coming up.  I travel on and off for work and starting on Day 3 of Week 8, I’ll be extremely busy for a week, plus Week 1 of the next set of classes starts immediately.  I’d also honestly like a break from school during a really hectic work period.  My goal is to have everything done by Day 2 of Week 8.